Sheena Cook

B.C. Pipers’ Newsletters of 1968 and 1969

The Historical Newsletters page has been updated with the release of archival B.C. Pipers’ Newsletters from 1968 and 1969. In March 1968, Ian Walker retired as the Newsletter Editor following the publication of Issue 87. It took about a year before his replacements volunteered to become editors: William “Bill” Elder and Robert “Bob” Gunn, assisted…

B.C. Pipers’ Newsletters of 1967

The Historical Newsletters page has been updated with the release of archival B.C. Pipers’ Newsletters from 1967. The last issue combines December 1967 and January 1968. Besides the regular news of competitions and results, BCPA Life Member Bill Elder has compiled the following interesting news of that year: Round the Games with John Wilson in…

Information on the November 2020 BCPA Mini-Gathering

BCPA will be conducting the November 7, 2020 Mini-Gathering competition with players submitting recordings of their performances published to YouTube, in a similar manner to the 2020 BCPA Online Performance Assessments initiative held during May, June and July. Please watch the BCPA website and its social media channels for details and the online entry system,…

B.C. Pipers’ Newsletters of 1964

The Historical Newsletters page has been updated with the release of archival B.C. Pipers’ Newsletters from 1964. Besides the regular news of competitions and their results, interesting news of that year included: The story behind Bagpipe Tunes, The Macraes March, I got a Kiss of the Kings Hand, MacCrimmon’s Lament, The Cameron’s Gathering, The Carles…