This page will provide links to the various policies of the BCPA Board of Directors including Privacy, Conflict of Interest and other policies as they are formalized.
BCPA Child, Youth and Vulnerable Adults Abuse Prevention Program
Any questions about the Privacy Policy can be directed to our Information Officer (and President) through our Assistant Information Officer (and Secretary) on the Contacts Page
Competition rules & player code of conduct are available on the Rules Page
Adjudicator and Steward information is on the Adjudicators & Stewards page
Canadian Anti-Spam Law Compliance.
As of July 1, 2014, BCPA is required to comply with Canada’s Anti-Spam Law.
Members and competition registrants will be requested to consent to the following statement which will appear on membership forms and competition entry forms:
Subscription to all e-mail notifications and correspondence is mandatory when registering with the BCPA. The option to unsubscribe from BCPA eNews communications is available on all eNews correspondence but not recommended. For those who have previously unsubscribed from the BCPA eNews communications, subscription will not be renewed by selecting this option.