

Bob Dunsire

Bob Dunsire 1953 – 2006

Father of the BCPA Website

To view Historical minutes of the BCPA See this page.

Historical Newsletters

Historical Photos from original website

History of Grand Aggregate Winners      Annual Gathering Past Pro Piping Winners


The B.C. Pipers’ Association has been fortunate indeed to have had among its membership the Piping Historian Carl Ian Walker. It is from his original document that this history web page has been created. Carl passed away several years ago, but the association will continue to update their history in this document.

BCPA needs your help preserving and restoring more of our history. See how you can help in this document about our Audio project.


The Past Presidents
The Beginning of the BCPA
The war years
Post W.W. II
Trophies of the AG
Some People of the AG
Some Judges of the AG
Venues of the AG
Events of the AG
The BCPA Newsletter
Editors of the Newsletter
The Knock-Outs
Membership in the BCPA
Honourary & Life Members
Other BCPA Activities

Prior to the formation of the B.C. Pipers Association (BCPA) piping societies had briefly existed in Vancouver: a Pipers’ Society in 1905 and the Vancouver Pipers’ Society in 1921. Neither appeared to last long or make much headway. Piping was otherwise largely in the hands of the several local pipe hands, dedicated performers and teachers, and was encouraged by the Vancouver St. Andrews & Caledonian Society, which held annual games.

The Past Presidents of the BCPA:

Name Date From Date To
Graham Davidson 2020 present
Robert MacNeil 2011 2020
Graham Davidson 2008 2011
Ed McIlwaine 2006 2008
Robert MacNeil 2002 2006
Kim Chisholm 2001 2002
Jamie McInnes 1992 2001
Angus Macpherson 1989 1991
Duncan Fraser 1987 1988
Angus Macpherson 1984 1986
Peter MacNeil 1982 1983
Donald MacMillan 1981 1981
Bob Murphie 1980 1980
Bill Lamont 1979 1979
Alex Young 1977 1978
James MacDonald 1975 1976
David Wilson 1974 1974
Bill Lamont 1973 1973
Bill Elder 1971 1972
Bill Lamont 1969 1970
Albert Duncan 1967 1968
Rod MacVicar 1965 1966
Ian McDougall 1963 1964
Ian Walker 1959 1963
Ron Foreman 1958 1959
Edmund Esson 1957 1958
Ron Foreman 1956 1957
Gordon Sinclair 1955 1955
Roderick MacRae 1955 1956
Edmund Esson 1951 1955
Donald MacDonald 1949 1951
Charles MacKenzie 1947 1949
Roderick MacRae 1945 1947
William Urquhart 1943 1945
John Paul 1942 1943
Allan MacNab 1940 1942
Walter Douglas 1937 1940
William Bowes 1935 1937
James Dyer 1934 1935
Roderick MacLeod 1932 1934

The Beginning of the BCPA:

The need for an organization to promote all aspects of the Great Highland Bagpipe was sorely felt by a handful of enthusiasts and on July 30, 1932 the inaugural meeting of the BCPA was held. At this meeting, held at the Vancouver Police Station, Rod MacLeod was elected as president. Some of the charter members were William Urquhart, William MacIndewar, John Paul, John Gillies, Allan MacNab, James Robertson, Ed Esson and William Bowes? Open and Amateur players, band members and teachers, – a real cross section of the local piping community.

Barely 3 1/2 months later, on Nov. 19, 1932, the 1st Annual Gathering (AG), grandiosely described as the “Grand Inaugural Highland Gathering and Bag Pipe Playing Competition” took place at the Elks Hall. Ten events, all solo piping, were held, entry fees were 25 cents per event, and admission to the hall was 50 cents. All competitors in Highland costume were admitted free, and a special prize was awarded to the best dressed competitor.

It is probable that our founding fathers considered the Association to be of province-wide significance, considering they described it “British Columbia”. On records is a 1940 letter from the Vancouver Island Pipers’ Society, which is described as an affiliate of the BCPA. The letter was promoting the annual re-union of the B.C. Pipers. While it is not known how long this association lasted, by the 1960s the Vancouver Island Pipers’ Club flourished in Victoria, as an independent group.

On the programme of the 1932 AG is depicted a crest similar to our present one, with the Piper’s left side portrayed. The motto “Tog Orm Mo Phiob”(To shoulder my pipes) appeared on this early crest, likely inspired by Rod MacLeod. By 1933 our crest in its present form was adopted.

Initially the competitions were organized into Novice, Ladies, Under 16, 16 and Over and Open (or Professional). These categories were devised at a time when there were few female competitors and they were regarded as weaker players. By the 1950’s, when such Ladies as Isobel MacLean and Norma Nicholson had cleaned up in both the Ladies and the Amateur classes the inequality no longer existed, and the ladies class was discontinued In 1958 the Assn. re-organized the Amateur classes into Novice, Juvenile, Junior and Senior Amateur. This accommodated late starters, and enabled players to compete against their peers, irrespective of age. Finally in 1995 the classes were once again changed, into Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4, Grade 1 being the highest level.

Needless to say, the BCPA was dirt poor in the 1930’s. The depression had hit everybody, membership was not large, and the sources of revenue were scanty In fact, silver-tongued Rod MacLeod persuaded competitors to play for ribbons in the early years. By 1936 the Financial Report showing a bank balance of $102.90 was accepted with pleasure. As the Association got more affluent merchandise prizes were obtained for all events. By the 1970s Open Competitors received money prizes and Amateurs received medals. Now Open Players vie for trips to Scotland, slightly more generous than ribbons.

The War Years:

By 1939 the activities of the BCPA continued, but the impending war evidently caused considerable concern to the members. While it is not known what action was planned by the Assn., the minutes of Sept. 5, 1939 stated:

“The European situation was discussed at some length, but the meeting adjourned without any action being taken by the Association.”

From time to time accommodations to wartime conditions were necessary. An example appears in a letter sent to the members by the Secretary, William Urquhart:

“The Annual Gathering of the Association scheduled for December 12th (1941) and subsequently canceled on account of the blackout precautions will be held on Saturday, January 31st (1942) in the Elks Hall. On that date the Gathering will definitely be held commencing at 2:30 in the afternoon.”

Post W.W. II:

The Assn. held a reception on Oct. 12, 1945 for the Pipe Band of the 1st Bn. Seaforth Highlanders, which had returned from Europe. It must have been a good party, judging from the list of expenses.

Printing & adv.
Secretary’s Exp.

As the attendance receipts amounted to only $70.00, a net loss of $87.75 was noted.

WW II had, in balance, a beneficial effect on the local piping community. While many fine players were taken out of circulation far the duration (Ed Esson, James Watt, Wm. Barrie, Ian Duncan, Ian Inkstert, Lillian Grant and Jim McMillan, to name a few) the level of piping markedly improved as a result of full-time practicing and regular courses offered in the Canadian and Imperial Armies. Upon demobilization these pipers made a vast contribution to the BCPA and to the pipe bands throughout the province. A new standard of competence was established

The economic realities of the Assn. are reflected in an amusing extract, taken from the Minutes of May 16, 1949.

“The secretary brought up the matter of paying the judges who acted at our last gathering. A motion was passed by James Horn (Andy Kirk) to pay the sum of $5 to Pipers and $2 to drumming judges. Speaking on the motion Edmund Esson and Donald MacDonald amended the motion to read, the same amount to be given to piping & drumming judges.”

1952 marked a significant milestone in the history of the BCPA. We organized a visit by the notables P-M William Ross and his young pupil, John Burgess, to judge at the AG. The event was made Possible through the dynamic leadership of Ed Esson, with the assistance of Donald MacLaren, an executive of the Trans Canada Air Lines, which provided flights. As well, the BCPA had become somewhat better fixed as a result of profits from the White Heather Concerts, which it had co-sponsored since 1948.

The Trophies of the Annual Gathering:

bcpacairnOne of the finest traditions of the AGs has been the presentation of a series of trophies. At the 2nd AG, on Nov. 18, 1933, was first presented the MacCrimmon Memorial Cairn for Open Piobaireachd. In the August, 1960 issue of the Newsletter, Rod MacLeod told the story of the birth of the Cairn, the brainchild of Ed Esson, on the boat back from Bowen Island, following a Gaelic Society meeting. It was decided to produce a replica of the Cairn located at Borreraig, Skye. Since it was going to cost $250.00 and the Treasury contained only $25.00, Esson and MacLeod scrounged the remaining $225.00, and commissioned O.B. Allan jewelers, to make the trophy.

The MacCrimmon Cairn is the most coveted of our prizes and it has been won thirteen times by Jack Lee, a remarkable feat. Other multiple winners are Bill Urquhart, Bruce Gandy (7), Alan Bevan, Andrew Bonar, James P Troy (4), Hugh Aird, Ed Esson, Norma Nicholson, James Watt (3). The first winner of the Cairn was Alex Johnson, a leading competitor during the 1920’s and 1930’s. Norma Nicholson was the first woman to win the Cairn and captured it for three consecutive years, a tremendous achievement only equaled by three other winners in the history of the Cairn.

The Cabar Feidh Trophy, donated by the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, has been presented to the winner of the Amateur Piobaireachd since 1933, as well.

Another magnificent trophy is the MacIver Memorial Trophy, first presented in 1945. It honours Donald MacIver, a well-loved teacher and all round expert, who dominated the scene from 1909 until his death in 1943. In the form of an obelisk, this award is presented to the person who attains the most points at the AG, whether Amateur or Open. Its first winners were William Rarrie and Margaret, who won it jointly.

Trophies are, from time to time, retired. Classes are changed and sometimes the trophies are no longer appropriate. For many years the Alex Lobban Trophy was the Aggregate for Junior Piping. In 1969 it was retired and present to Mr. and Mrs. Michael MacInnes, whose five children: Duncan, Donald, Rae Mare, Therese and Heather had each won it. Such a record will probably never be matched.

Another family affair had been the Nicholson Quartette, consisting of Malcolm Nicholson, and his daughters Jessier Kathleen and Norma. They used to enter the local competitions as a Quartette, in 1950 coming second at the AG.

Some of the People of the AG:

A record for longevity at the competitions must be held by James Watt. He first appeared in the prize list with a first and a second in the Under 16 Class at the 3rd AG, held on Nov. 24, 1934. Since that time his name has appeared on virtually every trophy for solo piping. To this day, still blowing a strong pipe, Watt attends all of the competitions, assisting and encouraging his many pupils.

A legend at BCPA competitions was Malcolm Nicholson, who taught more pipers than most of us know. A Pipe Major of the Vancouver City Police Band for many years, Nicholson formed several hands, especially for young players. At the competitions he was always at the head of a long line of pupils, waiting to be tuned. In recognition of his huge contribution in 1978 Malcolm Nicholson was invested as a Member of the Order of Canada, a well deserved honour.

Some of the Judges of the Annual Gathering:

The visits by prominent pipers from throughout the piping world to judge at our AG’s has continued until this date and has undoubtedly played a big role in putting B.C. and Vancouver on the world piping map, as well as significantly stimulating the standard of piping and increasing the interest in our instrument In the early years we were favoured with visits by Seumas MacNeil, John MacLellan, Donald MacLean of Lewis, Donald MacLeod, Donald Shaw Ramsay and John Wilson. In recent years the association has invited Alasdair Gillies, Bill Livingstone, Roddy MacLeod, and Angus MacColl. The list is very long indeed.

A regular and most popular feature of the guest judges’ attendance in Vancouver has been a recital by them, held near the time of the AG. This has given the membership the opportunity to hear their excellence

A collection of tapes of these recitals was started in 1956, and is presently maintained by Bill Elder·

Venues of the Annual Gathering:

One of the most important decisions facing the organizer of AG has been the matter of venue. As a peripatetic association without its own premises, rented quarters are necessary As the meets expanded from a one day affair with a single stage to a two day event requiring numerous competition areas, the choice has been more perplexing An ever present bugbear has been the shortage of tuning areas, and’ with the emergence of drumming events, this problem has become more critical.

From 1932 to 1942 the Elks Hall was used There after a variety of halls were rented, including the Moose Hall, the Seamen’s Hall and the Electrical workers Hall. In 1951 the Seaforth Armoury became home to our AG and continued as such until 1965. Then the Assn. used the Gardens, at Exhibition Park, The North Vancouver Recreation Centre in the 1970’s Simon Fraser University, and in recent years numbers high Schools in the Greater Vancouver area.

The Piobaireachd competitions, held on the Friday prior to the main competition, are often held at the Scottish Auditorium on Hudson Street

Annual Gathering, the Events:

A profound expansion of events at the AG has taken place over the years. At the 1st competition, there were 10 events, all solo piping. It is illuminating to- examine the breakdown of events over the decades.

Year Solo piping Piping ensembles Miniature bands
or full bands
Solo drumming Highland dancing Total
1933 10 10
1940 11 1 1 1 11
1950 14 1 1 17
1960 15 1 1 1 18
1970 15 2 1 19
1980 13 2 3 18
1990 17 4 5 26
2000 24 4 14 42
2010 19 6 14 39

The Mini-Gatherings:

In the mid 1950’s the BCPA began holding Bi-Monthly competitions, enabling Amateur players to play their tunes in a relaxed setting. Initially these events were held in the old Scottish Auditorium, and subsequently they moved to various schools. By 1975 they had considerably expanded and became Mini-Gatherings. These competitions have proved invaluable to young pipers and drummers, and have as well given more experienced and mature players the opportunity to judge

The Newsletter:

The first issue of the B.C. Pipers’ Newsletter appeared in April 1960, under the editorship of Ian Walker. It has been produced in various forms until this day, the Dec. 1998 issue being # 311. The Newsletter has served as the information lifeline of the BCPA, containing notices of coming events, results, editorials, tunes, piping gossip and ads of interest to the piping and pipe band community.

The Newsletter was produced more or less monthly until 1993, when it became a Quarterly publication Since then Bill Elder has taken on the task of producing a monthly Mini Newsletter.

It must be added that each of the Editors has had a hard working and dedicated crew of helpers, without whose efforts the tremendous working putting together the Newsletter would never he completed.

I shall never forget, during my years as Editor, being covered with ink from the old Gestetner, and producing the Newsletter with my good friends Bill McAdie and Donald Urquhart. Doubtless the other Editors have similar memories.

Editors of the Newsletter:

Editor Dates Issues
Ian Walker April 1960 – March 1968 1-87
Robert Gunn &
Bill Elder
February 1969 – December 1971 88-119
Colin Abel &
Angus Macpherson
February 1972 – January/March 1974 120-136
Angus Macpherson July 1974 – November 1976 137-154
Alex Young January 1977 – March 1980 158-183
(Issue Numbers
never used)
Jean Bokenfohr January 1981 – June 1984 184-212
Angus Macpherson August 1984 – October/November 1988 213-252
Iain MacDonald December 1988 – December 1989 253-261
Graham Davidson January 1990 – December 1992 262-289
Duncan Fraser Spring 1993 – December 1998 290-311
Rorri McBlane Spring 1999 – Summer 2001 312-321
Robert MacNeil Fall 2001 – Fall 2004 322-333
Edward McIlwaine Winter 2004 – Fall 2007 to Spring 2008,
August to November 2008, Winter/Spring 2009,
Summer 2009
Angela Burleigh Fall 2009 – 2010 344-346

The Knock-Outs:

1969 saw the institution of the Knock-Out competitions, one of the more popular activities of the BCPA. They consist of a series of Open players playing a medley of tunes, and being judged to advance to the next level or being eliminated from the competition. The playoffs between the finalists are held at the Annual Banquet.

The BCPA instigated a programme of Structured Learning Examinations in 1994. As sanctioned by the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association this programme consists of tuition and examinations for Piping and drumming at the Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced levels. According to Robt. MacNeil, the programme Coordinator, to date many pipers and, many drummers have received Certificates at the various levels.

Membership in the BCPA:

Possibly one of thorniest issues to confront the BCPA over the years has been the question of membership. Since the beginning only “exponents” of the Highland bagpipe were entitled to active (and voting) membership. A category of associate membership was reserved for non-playing enthusiasts and drummers. “Exponents” was always interpreted as Pipers, in any event, it was not until .—-. that Active membership was opened to pipe band drummers. Doubtless this caused some of the early members to turn in their graves.

The perennial argument concerning the entry of drummers in the Assn. is doubtless not unconnected with the proliferation of drumming events in the recent gatherings. Their entry gave validity to the BCPA dealing with the regulation of pipe band competitions following the demise of the Western Pipe Band Association.

Honourary or Life Memberships:

The BCPA has honoured a number of persons with Honorary or Life Memberships. The following is a list. with their principal contributions indicated.

1936 Rod MacLeod Officer
Hon. lan MacKenzie M.P.
Tom Reed
Judge Carder
I.L. Boomer Pres. of CNR Recreational Club, where meetings held

1961 Ed Esson – Officer, Pipe Major & Performer
Ken MacLeod – Performer
Rod MacLeod – Officer & Piping Historian
Malcolm Nicholson, C.M. – Pipe Major, Teacher, and Member of the Order of Canada (1978)

1962 Charles MacKenzie – Officer
Roderick MacRae

1981 Jack Lee – Performer

1986 Jim Wilson – Teacher

1990 Ian Walker – Piping Historian
Donald Ross – Steward

1992 Ian McKinnon – Organizer
Mary MacKinnon – Officer

1993 Bruce Woodley – Performer

1995 Ian MacDougall – Pipe Major & Teacher
James W. Troy – Performer & Pipe Major

1997 Terry Lee – Pipe Major & Performer

2002 Angus MacPherson – Pipe Major & Organizer

2003 Bill Elder – Organizer

2009 Willie McErlean – Lead Drummer & Performer

2010 J. Reid Maxwell – Lead Drummer, Performer, & Teacher

2012 Hal Senyk – Pipe Major & Performer

2013 Ron Sutherland, North Vancouver, BC  and Ron MacLeod, O.C., Surrey, BC  for their exceptional decades long services to BCPA as builders. See the presentation by Jack lee here: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/29871712 and here: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/29872040

2015 Andrew Bonar – Perfomer, Teacher & Organizer

2017 Robert MacNeil – Officer & Organizer

2019 Graham Davidson – Teacher, Organizer, Pipe Major

Rod MacRae’s Life Membership in part were attributed to the fact that on two occasions he became President of the BCPA following the untimely death of the incumbent President. In 1945 William Urquhart died suddenly from appendicitis and in 1955 Gordon Sinclair, a Vancouver City Policeman, was killed on duty. MacRae happened to he Vice President on both occasions, and ably picked up the reins of office. He vowed thereafter that he would never again become Vice President of the Assn.


Monthly Meetings have been held throughout the life of the Assn, to plan its many activities. During the recent years, the elimination contests for the Knock-Outs have been a popular part of these meetings. As in other Associations Annual General Meetings are conducted to elect officer for the coming year.

Other BCPA Activities:

The BCPA has carried out a great variety of other activities since its inception: lectures, seminars, workshops, trio knock-out competitions, composition contests, visits to Victoria, and a trip to Scotland. However they have not continued on a regular basis until the present time. Our plate is very full as it is, with the Annual Gathering for Amateur and Open Piping, Drumming and Mini Band events, the Knock Out competitions for Open players, the Mini Gatherings for Amateurs, the Newsletter, an Annual Members Banquet, a Recital following the AG and the Structured Learning programme. These activities are organized by a relatively small number of enthusiasts, who are dedicated to promoting the Great Highland Bagpipe.

With the exception of keeping this current, the content here comes rom a document written by:

Carl lan Walker

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