BCPA Vice-President

2021 February BCPA Online Mini-Gathering Registration Now Open

With the on-going world-wide global COVID-19 pandemic still in effect, the BCPA is continuing with the Mini-Gatherings in an online format. As previously announced, players will enter the Mini-Gathering through the BCPA Registration Site, then record and upload their performances to YouTube during the defined period, then complete a form with music details and YouTube…

B.C. Pipers’ Newsletters of 1981

The Historical Newsletters page has been updated with the release of archival B.C. Pipers’ Newsletters from 1981. Besides the regular news of competitions and results, BCPA Life Member Bill Elder has compiled the following interesting news of that year: Jean Bokenfohr appointed as Newsletter Editor Jimmy McIntosh and Murray Henderson to adjudicate the 49th Annual…

B.C. Pipers’ Newsletters of 1979

The Historical Newsletters page has been updated with the release of archival B.C. Pipers’ Newsletters from 1979. Besides the regular news of competitions and results, BCPA Life Member Bill Elder has compiled the following interesting news of that year: Note on avoiding taking sealskin sporrans into the U.S. as they may be confiscated by U.S.…