The Historical Newsletters page has been updated with the release of archival B.C. Pipers’ Newsletters from 1979.
Besides the regular news of competitions and results, BCPA Life Member Bill Elder has compiled the following interesting news of that year:
- Note on avoiding taking sealskin sporrans into the U.S. as they may be confiscated by U.S. Customs under the Marine Mammals Act
- Vancouver Ladies Pipe Band Festival offers Professional Piping and Drumming events for the first time
- Western Academy of Pipe Music offers $2,000 in prize monies for Invitational Open Piobaireachd competition at the conclusion of their piping school in late August
- Annual Gathering to be held at BCIT. Duncan Johnstone from Glasgow and John Reay from Winnipeg to be senior judges.
- Duncan Johnstone gave a piping recital
- Note on the passing of John MacFadyen
- Announcement of new music book by Neil Angus MacDonald, prominent judge in Scotland and father of Ruairidh and James MacDonald
- Kenneth McKellar headlines the White Heather Concert.
- Results of the 47th Annual Gathering.
- Comments about the Annual Gathering from senior judge Duncan Johnstone. Duncan singles out Jack Lee and Bruce Gandy as players who will have international success. He also singles out Triumph Street PB for the same accolade.
- Inaugural announcement of “Donald-Gordon’s Tartan Town” at 500 Clarke Rd in Coquitlam, with Store Manager Terry Lee
- Results of the World Pipe Band Championships, including Triumph St PB and City of Victoria PB placing 5th and 6th, and Triumph St PB winning the World Drum Corps Championship
- No 1978/79 season Knockout results reported (could be a missing Newsletter).
- Jack Lee writes about encouraging more piobaireachd playing, teaching it at a younger age (following basic embellishments on the practice chanter), Novice players (Grade 4 now) playing a ground, and Juvenile (Grade 3 now) playing full tune .
- Concerns expressed by Albert Duncan about the lack of juvenile bands competing and call for more adult players to begin teaching one or two students
- Announcement of $5,000 in pipe band competition prize monies at the Kimberly Pipe Band competition in May 1980 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the City of Cranbrook
- Results of European Pipe Band Championships.
- Particular piper (who is now a BCPA Adjudicator) begins to appear as a prize winner in the Chanter grade (Shaunna Stephen [Hilder])
- After the November Mini-Gathering competition, there was a talk on piobaireachd by James McMillan
- 2/4 March written by P.M. John Reay Sr. dedicated to the BC Pipers’ Association, “My Pride Is The Inverness Cape.
Please note: During the years from 1976 to 1982 the numbering system for the Newsletters became a little erratic. We will print copies in the order that we think is correct. If anybody has Newsletters from this era and notices a missing issue, please let us know.