BCPA music production seminar with Alastair Lee

Looking to create a music track or video for your pipe band during these pandemic times? Music engineer and award-winning piper Alastair Lee will lead the next BCPA weekend seminar on music production on Saturday, January 22 at 9:00 AM.

Alastair’s seminar will explain audio recording, mixing and video editing using both free and paid online software such as Garage Band or Adobe Premier. This seminar is ideal for anyone who wants to record a group of musicians or for overdubbing your own musical production. Lee has produced a number of video’s for the SFU Pipe Band plus a number of personal projects.

Alastair is a well-known piper from BC who has won the World Pipe Band Championship twice with his band, the SFU Pipe Band. He has qualified to compete for the Gold Medal for piobaireachd at Oban and Inverness and Former Winners’ MSR. Alastair is also a sought-after highland dancing piper.

To register for the seminars, please use the following link :


Sign up by Friday morning 9:00 am Pacific Time.