This long weekend February 15 to 17 offers a significant array of events that will be of interest to many pipers and drummers..
Boney Music Memorial Invitational Piping Competition and Recital
The 5th Boney Music Memorial Invitational Piping Competition and Recital takes place on Saturday February 15 at the Seaforth Armoury, 1650 Burrard St, Vancouver. Doors open at 5:15 pm.
The top Open pipers in the Pacific Northwest perform to raise monies for brain cancer research at the BC Cancer Foundation in Andrew Bonar’s memory.
If you cannot attend in-person, please watch the live stream on the BC Pipers Facebook page ( ) and donate to the cause.
More details are at
2020 Boney Music Memorial Invitational Competition and Recital
Drum Majors Workshop
A Drum Majors workshop will be held at the BCPA Mini-Gathering venue Pitt River Middle School on Saturday February 15 from 11 am to 3 pm
More details are at
Drum Major Workshop, Saturday, February 15, 2020 Pitt River Middle School Gymnasium
February BCPA Mini-Gathering
The final BCPA Mini-Gathering of the 2019/20 season takes place at the Pitt River Middle School on Saturday February 15 from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. Come out and listen to the young amateur players perform.
More details are at
Youth Piping and Drumming Educational Initiative
BCPA, with the White Spot Pipe Bands and the youth bands of the Robert Malcolm Memorial Pipe Bands, are promoting enrollment in a pilot 8 week free instructional program for beginners in youth piping and drumming through informational sessions in Metro Vancouver shopping centres, print advertising in local newspapers, and Facebook advertisements.
The first two informational sessions were held on February 1 at Sevenoaks Shopping Centre in Abbotsford and on February 8 at Guildford Town Centre in Surrey.
The final informational session will be at the Coquitlam Centre shopping centre on the holiday Monday February 17 from 11 am to 6 pm. Please promote this educational initiative to young families you know in the Metro Vancouver area.
More details are at
BCPA launches youth piping and drumming educational initiative
Based on the results of the program, support will be provided for similar programs delivered by youth pipe bands outside the Metro Vancouver area in the BCPA region.