BCPA Webmaster

Mini Gathering details

Here’s a map link that pinpoints the exact entrance to the parkade at SFU that participants should use for the mini-gathering. https://maps.google.ca/maps?sll=49.2802772%2C-122.9227778&sspn=0.0215013%2C0.0439462&cid=0&q=49°16%2749.0″N+122°55%2722.0″W&output=classic&dg=ntvb Here’s a campus map: .  http://www.sfu.ca/fs/files/Campus_Profile/Campus_Maps/sfu_campus_map_2013_14x8_handout_color.pdf. We recommend that once participants have entered the parade, they should park on the topmost level on the roof, close to the West Mall Centre.  This will put their car on the…

Membership, Surveys, Mini-Gatherings and Ceilidhs, Oh My!

Membership forms available, Mini Gathering entries, Calendar updated Registration is available on the Membership page. There have been a bunch of changes, review the bullet points before re-registering for 2014/2015.  Mini Gathering entries are available on the Mini-Gatherings page, and the first few events of 2014/2015 have been added to our Calendar page. 2013/2014 Membership…

BCPA Fall 2014 Events

Due to declining interest on behalf of Knockout competitors and spectators as well as an increased financial loss attributed to the event over the past several years, the BC Pipers’ Association has made the difficult decision not to host the Knockout contest this season. However, the BCPA understands the desire of many members to continue…