IMPORTANT Information for 2018 Bellingham Scottish Gathering Competitors and Attendees

BCPA would like to inform you of some important information for the new 2018 Bellingham Scottish Gathering, that is very different from previous Bellingham Highland Games.

As previously communicated, the new Bellingham Scottish Gathering is a completely new event run by a new organizing committee that is not connected in anyway with the previous Bellingham Highland Games.

That committee, headed by Heather Richendrfer, has done a tremendous amount of work to re-establish a Scottish cultural festival in Whatcom County, against many major challenges.

Competitors and attendees should expect some “growing pains” during this inaugural year, so please be patient with any delays or confusions that might occur.

For piping, drumming, and pipe bands, new gate volunteers will be working with band rosters, and lists of solo competitors, adjudicators, stewards, officials etc to enable complimentary admission. Thus, state your full name and your role at the Gathering to help them quickly find you on a list.

There is a new field layout here.

Particular to piping, drumming, and pipe band events are:

  • The Piping & Drumming Registration and Scoring Area is next to the covered Picnic Tables area
  • The solo piping and drumming events have been moved to the Great Field (the area where the band contests are held)
  • The locations of the Band Tents Area and the Beer Garden have swapped places
  • The Entertainment Stage is now across from the Beer Garden (to gain access to limited electrical power)
  • The Bands Tune-Up and Final Tuning Areas have been relocated closer to the Orchard
  • There must be no piping or drumming near the Entertainment Stage (where the band final tuning area used to be) or as bands move from the band final tuning area to the competition area


  • There is no massed bands for Open Ceremonies
  • All people must leave the Park by 6 pm (a requirement of the Whatcom County Parks department)
  • The band contest is starting earlier at 1 pm to enable the band competition and massed bands to finish just before 5 pm, enabling people to enjoy some refreshments in the Beer Garden before the Park closes at 6 pm

Thank you for your consideration of these new and revised elements of the new Bellingham Scottish Gathering.