BCPA is pleased to announce that online entry for the piping, drumming, and pipe band events at the new 2018 Bellingham Scottish Gathering at Hovander Homestead Park on June 2, 2018 is now OPEN at
We thank people for their patience as BCPA assists the new competition in their establishment.
As indicated in the December 4, 2017 post, BCPA is administering and managing the piping, drumming, and pipe band events at the 2018 Bellingham Scottish Gathering to ensure a successful launch.
The Bellingham Scottish Gathering is a new event of the new Scottish Dance Society and is under completely different administration than the previous Bellingham Highland Games. The Bellingham Scottish Gathering is a BCPA sanctioned competition but not a Grand Aggregate Awards status competition.
Depending on the support of solo competitors and pipe bands, the Bellingham Scottish Gathering could attain BCPA Grand Aggregate Award status as early as 2020 (refer to Clause 8 of the BCPA Solo Piping Rules, Clause 8 of the BCPA Solo Snare and Tenor Drumming Rules, and Clause 9 of the BCPA Pipe Band Competition Rules https://archive.bcpipers.org/about/rules/ )
Competitors are requested to carefully examine the 2018 Bellingham Scottish Gathering Information Guide before completing their online entries.
Please note that all entry fees are in Canadian dollars. Also, there WILL NOT be an Opening Massed Bands as part of the opening ceremonies.