BCPA Pro Knockout Final to stream live

The BC Pipers’ Association announces live streaming of the Final round of the 2013 BCPA Knockouts.

BCPA became a pioneer in live Internet streaming of solo piping and drumming competitions in January 2011 and has improved the broadcast quality during this season, and is investigating options for removing commercial interruptions in future events.

The final broadcast of BCPA TV Season 3 will be the Saturday, March 9th from the Scottish Cultural Center in Vancouver, BC. The dinner and mini-gathering awards and special awards ceremonies begin at 6:00 pm, with the knockouts to begins streaming later in the evening.

The session will include a video and audio stream, chat session, and social media interaction via Facebook and the BCPA Twitter account, @BCPipers Hashtag #BCPAKO.

Visit the Knockouts Page for the embedded stream and all the necessary details to interact.

In advance of the event, go to www.ustream.tv and create an account to participate, then visit the BCPA stream here

Sign up and be a part of the action as the BCPA again takes its events to members across its region and to the global piping and drumming community.

Schedule of events:

Annual Dinner Schedule of Events
March 9, 2013 – Scottish Cultural Centre

5:30 – Doors and bar open
6:00 – Program begins
6:45 – Dinner is served
8:00 – Knockout Admission begins
8:00 – Mini-Gathering Awards ceremony
8:25 – Special Presentation
10:10 – Special Presentations
10:40 – Knockout Awards