Category: Competitions

Campbell River Highland Gathering Cancelled for 2020

Campbell River Highland Gathering logo

The 2020 Campbell River Salmonfest including the Logger Sports Competitions and Highland Gathering has been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. The annual event was due to take place Aug. 8 to 10, 2020. The decision to cancel was a difficult one. The Heavy Games were to host the Canadian National Amateur Championships this year.…

Skagit Valley Highland Games Cancelled for 2020

Skagit Valley Cancelled for 2020

Due to concerns related to the coronavirus pandemic, the Board of Directors of the Celtic Arts Foundation have regrettably determined, in the interest of health and safety, to cancel the 26th annual Skagit Valley Highland Games. Vendors and Clan representatives will be contacted to discuss refunds or credits applied toward the 2021 event. We regret…

Pacific Northwest Highland Games Cancelled for 2020

PNWHG Cancelled for 2020

To all of our SSHGA members, I find myself bearing the unfortunate news that the Board of the Seattle Scottish Highland Games Association has voted to cancel the 2020 games in Enumclaw. Decisions like this are very difficult to make and require a lot of thought and care. Please know that we didn’t take this…

Kamloops Highland Games Cancelled for 2020

Kamloops Cancel 2020 Games

Just announced on the Kamloops Highland Games Society Facebook page. Due to the global Covd-19 pandemic, the Kamloops Highland Games committee have taken the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Kamloops Highland Games. The health and well-being of all our competitors, volunteers and organizers is our number one priority. We are committed to coming back…