The BCPA IT Infrastructure team as been working hard to put together a new website for the BCPA. You may experience an interruption with our website briefly between today and tomorrow as we make the final changes and go live with our new website. It’s time to retire the old website and move forward. Over…
Category: Community
Capturing the Gold: Jack Lee looks back on his 1981 Northern Meeting wins: Final in a series
•Capturing the Gold Medal: Ishabel Ross’s greatest piping memory: 2nd in a series
•Ishabel Ross was Secretary of the BC Pipers’ Association in the 1960s and along with her late husband Life Member Donald Ross Sr (who created the BCPA Knockouts in 1969) were extraordinary volunteers and supporters of the BC Pipers’ Association over many decades. The following is her story of attending the Gold Medal winning performance…
Capturing the World: Iain MacDonald witnesses Jack Lee’s astounding victory: 1st in a series
•Iain MacDonald is the long-time pipe major of the City of Regina Pipe Band and the piper and instructor synonymous with the advancement of piping and pipe bands in Saskatchewan for decades. In the mid to late 1980’s he lived in the Greater Vancouver area with his wife Barb and played with the SFU Pipe…