BCPA President

2016 November BCPA Mini-Gathering Results and 2016 BCPA Grand Aggregate Awards

The results of the 2016 November BCPA Mini-Gathering are now posted on the Results page. https://archive.bcpipers.org/services/results/ Photos from the 2016 November BCPA Mini-Gathering and the 2016 BCPA Grand Aggregate Awards are posted on the BCPA Photo Gallery. https://archive.bcpipers.org/photo-albums/ Our thanks to St. Andrew and Caledonian Society (SACS) President Cilla Bachop and Vice President Bill Murray…

2016 November BCPA Mini-Gathering Orders of Play and Grand Aggregate Awards

November Mini-Gathering A link to the Orders of Play for the 2016 November Mini-Gathering is now posted here. https://archive.bcpipers.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2016NovBCPAMiniGatheringOOP.pdf All solo events start at 11:00 am on Saturday November 5 The complete schedule of solo events will be posted on Wednesday, November 2. Other details are located in the Information Guide located here. http://bcp3a.cloverpad.org/event-2341232 Grand…