BCPA Update 1 on Response to COVID-19 novel coronavirus – Mar 12 2020

Like many event planning organizations, BCPA officials have been closely monitoring trustworthy news sources and government public health agencies communications for information influencing decision-making for events involving large numbers of people in the current COVID-19 novel coronavirus environment.

Based on an analysis of their current information, risk-based guidance and recommendations applied to the BCPA Annual Gathering on April 10 & 11, 2020 at North Delta Secondary School and the environment of Metro Vancouver, senior BCPA officials have determined that at this point the 2020 Annual Gathering will continue.

Based on the Public Health Agency of Canada’s risk-based guidance, BCPA has identified a number of actions that the Annual Gathering organizing committee will implement as well as actions that we will ask solo and band competitors, spectators, parents, adjudicators, stewards and officials to implement to protect the health of all who participate in the Annual Gathering.

We will announce these actions in frequent communications shortly and over the coming weeks. We request your cooperation in staying informed and in implementing the actions.

As you can appreciate, there are many, fast-changing moving pieces in navigating and managing this issue. Some have been broad, sweeping directives beyond any organization’s control that have unexpectedly and quickly shut down dependable services and facilities.

If you have any questions or concerns on the BCPA response to this issue, please email us at comments@archive.bcpipers.org and we will do our best to respond appropriately in a timely manner.

Finally, to solo competitors and bands: piping and drumming are hobbies that we all want to continue to enjoy. Please inform yourselves and your band members of the appropriate preventive measures you can take in this current environment so that the larger piping and drumming community, that we are all a part of, will continue to prosper.

We look forward to our continued communications with you as we navigate this issue together.

Rob MacNeil
BC Pipers’ Association