VE Day 75 – May 8, 2020

Calling all Pipers to help celebrate in the 75th anniversary of VE day.

VE Day 75 is being organized to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the end of the War in Europe on 8th May 1945, along with paying an important, unique ‘tribute’ to those amazing, brave Pipers that either lost their lives or returned home dreadfully wounded during, or after the war in Europe, along with those Pipers still involved in conflict until the Victory over Japan on the 15th August 1945 (VJ Day).

The organizers are asking all Pipers around the world at 3pm local time in the country they are in, at individual locations of their choice, to take part in this historic anniversary by playing Battle’s O’er, the traditional tune played by Pipers at the end of a battle, along with VE 75 Years, a special, unique tune written by Pipe Major Roger Baynes, City of Norwich Pipe Band, for this important anniversary. A copy of the new tune, VE 75 Years can be downloaded from the link below or by visiting the Downloads page of the VE Day 75 website at:

VE 75 Years Pipe Tune

The overall aim is to have 5,000 Pipers taking part throughout the world on 8th May 2020. To assist in reaching this goal, please visit the VE Day 75 website to register your individual involvement on the Battle’s O’er page as soon as possible:

All Pipers taking part can obtain a lasting memory of their involvement by going to the DOWNLOAD page of the VE Day 75 website – and download the Certificate of Grateful Recognition of their participation, which you can then print, frame and keep as a lasting memory of your involvement, and in memory of those Pipers from around the world that gave so much to assist in obtaining the freedom we all enjoy and share today. (Many people do not know that the majority of Pipers did not bear arms, so could not protect themselves. “How brave is that”).