The BCPA threw a party to celebrate our wonderful volunteers and share in some music! Thanks to those who joined us Nov. 17. Check out our Flickr page for some great photos of this event, and other BCPA events. We thanked all our great volunteers and recognized Jim and Donna Maxwell with the Mary McKinnon…
Category: Uncategorized
UPDATED 2018 Pacific Northwest Highland Games Orders of Play
•Links to the ALL Orders of Play for the 2018 Pacific Northwest Highland Games are now posted here: They are also accessible in the Orders of Play section on the main page of the BC Pipers website The Grade 3 Piping events have been split into “A” and B” sections due to…
2018 Bellingham Scottish Gathering Orders of Play
•Boney Music Memorial Invitational to be Streamed Online
•The BC Pipers’ Association is excited to announce that the Boney Music Memorial Invitational will be streamed online here. The event will be held tomorrow, February 24, at 7PM PST at the Halpern Centre at Simon Fraser University’s Burnaby campus. All profits from the event will be donated to the BC Cancer Foundation. It is…